Spanish Grammar (Self-Paced)

From: $93.00 / month for 3 months

Grades:  7th–12th

Class:   No live class (asynchronous)

Dates:  Flexible start on or after May 13, 2024. Must complete by May 31, 2025

Prepaid:  $249

Instructor:  David Nance

See Reviews of Instructor David Nance


Course Description

See Reviews of Instructor David Nance


There are many reasons to study Spanish grammar, even though it is quite possible (and enjoyable) to learn Spanish without focusing on the grammar. Compared to English grammar, Spanish grammar is quite organized and methodical. This course focuses on why and how Spanish words interact in the ways that they do. It provides concise grammar explanations and engaging practice activities, and attempts to present the material in a way that makes it understandable and memorable.

Course Structure

This course is entirely self-paced. Students may enroll at any time and can work through it at their own pace. Some students may progress very quickly through the material (completing the course in a matter of weeks), while others may take many months to complete it. The lectures are built into the course and the assignments are self-graded, so students can work through everything as their individual circumstances dictate.

Who should enroll?

Some students simply feel drawn to grammar, while others want to study it in order to fine-tune their speaking and writing skills (particularly if they hope to test out of college-level classes, or plan to continue studying Spanish in college). This class is intended for students in grades 7-12 who have some previous experience with Spanish, not for students with no previous experience. It can serve as a companion class to our embedded (intermediate-level) Spanish courses or our Advanced Spanish course. It is quite possible, however, to be successful in the intermediate-level courses without taking this grammar course. Although intended primarily as a companion course to our other Spanish offerings, it is not necessary to be a student in one of those courses in order to enroll in this course.

Technology Requirements

  • High speed, broadband Internet
  • Streaming video capabilities to watch recorded lectures

Evaluation and Feedback

When students complete an exercise, it is immediately graded by the computer. This allows them to learn from their mistakes and make new attempts. If students have questions about a concept, they can email Sr. Nance, who normally responds within 24 hours.


Parents of prospective students are welcome to contact Sr. Nance through email with any questions they may have about the course (including questions about which course to enroll in). Throughout the school year, parents are welcome to contact Sr. Nance at any time with questions or concerns that they may have about the course.

Required Texts


Course materials will be supplied by the Instructor.


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Instructor Bio

David Nance

David Nance has been teaching Spanish since 2007. He, his wife, and their five children lived in Spain during the 2019–2020 school year, and he previously lived in Uruguay. He has traveled extensively throughout Latin America and Europe. David has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish Teaching (2007), master’s degrees in Curriculum and Instruction (2013) and School Management (2020), and will receive a master’s degree in Architecture in May 2024. In addition to teaching, he also worked for seven years for the Arkansas Department of Education, as the World Languages Specialist and later as a Homeschool Specialist. David and his family love traveling, learning languages, playing games, and reading. Contact: dnance[at]


All classes taught by David Nance